Hindi Easy Typing

Text Analysis Tools

Get detailed insights about your text with our comprehensive analysis tools. Understand readability, complexity, and composition of your content.

📊 Word Statistics 📈 Readability Scores 🔍 Text Analysis



0 unique



0 punctuation marks

Characters (no spaces)




0 empty lines





Reading Time

0 min

Text Analysis Features

Understand your text better with our comprehensive analysis tools. Get detailed insights and metrics to improve your writing.


Analysis Metrics

Word Statistics

Get detailed word count, character count, sentence count, and paragraph analysis.

Readability Analysis

Calculate Flesch-Kincaid, SMOG, and other readability scores for your content.

Language Detection

Automatically identify the language and dialect of your text.

Keyword Analysis

Identify key terms and their frequency in your content.


Use Cases

Content Writers

Optimize content readability and ensure it matches your target audience's level.

Academic Writing

Analyze papers and essays for complexity and academic writing standards.

SEO Optimization

Analyze keyword density and optimize content for search engines.


Ensure technical documentation meets readability guidelines.

Advanced Features

Our text analysis tools provide comprehensive insights for content optimization

Sentiment Analysis

Understand the emotional tone and sentiment of your text

Grammar Check

Identify potential grammar and style improvements

Vocabulary Analysis

Analyze word variety and suggest vocabulary improvements

Export Options

Download detailed analysis reports in various formats


Pro Tips

Readability Scores

Aim for a readability score that matches your target audience's reading level

Keyword Density

Maintain natural keyword density between 1-3% for optimal SEO

Sentence Length

Mix short and long sentences for better readability and engagement

Regular Analysis

Analyze content regularly to maintain consistent quality standards